6-Month Mentoring Programme

Scale your tutoring business today, and turn a dream into reality.

Starts 4th September 2024. Price £4,500. 15 spaces available.

SPECIAL BONUS The first 5 people who sign up will pay £3,500 plus get access to some amazing bonuses, including:

  • Flying Start:  An in person day with me  where I give you hands on feedback and support with your business worth £1497

  • Bonus training on how to sell your services and secure a deal worth £399

  • Access to two masterclasses run by leaders in their fields willing to share their knowledge and feedback to support the success of your business worth £500

Nurturing knowledge. Empowering growth.

Do you find yourself imagining what it would be like to nurture your skills and grow your own tutoring business? But worried you don't know how? That's where Aster Academy comes in. This 6 month programme has been designed to give you all the tools and advice you need to make the leap from national to international business.

How would you like to:

  • Charge what you’re worth

  • Dictate your own schedule and teach in the day time

  • Grow your business to take on a team of tutors

If you answered yes to all of the above, then read on, this programme is for you.

What the programme covers

Aster Academy has been designed to empower tutors to take the leap and grow a successful international tutoring business by giving you all the tools and advice you need.

Month 1 - Nurture

Session 1: Values, Intention Setting and mindset

  • Workshops on identifying core values and long-term goals.

  • Interactive exercises for mapping out the tutoring journey.

  • Weekly mindset challenges/ introduce personal reflection journals

  • Peer discussions on ideal student profiles.

  • Group discussions on teaching vs. tutoring.

Session 2: Marketing and Branding

  • Advanced social media strategies.

  • Case studies of successful tutoring businesses.

  • Deep dives into brand psychology.

  • Creating a unique value proposition

  • Practical workshops on creating marketing content.

Month 2 - Blossom

Session 3: Introduction to the International Market

  • Detailed analysis of different international student demographics.

  • Research projects on target markets.

  • International education trends.

Session 4: Boarding Schools

  • Detailed exploration of the boarding school system and how it helps when supporting international students

  • Understanding the cultural aspects of boarding schools and ‘top tier’ schools

  • Responsibilities and importance of guardians.

  • How guardians support international students.

  • Strategies for advising students and parents considering boarding school options

Month 3 - Enhance

Session 5: Visibility and Consistency

  • Advanced strategies for a strong online presence.

  • Why having a newsletter works and how to build an international email list

  • Building an online community for international clients

Session 6: The Power of LinkedIn

  • Harnessing Linkedin to appeal to an international audience

  • Networking exercises.

  • LinkedIn content strategy sessions.

Month 4 - Enrich

Session 7: Understanding the Chinese Market

  • Detailed market analysis and cultural insights.

  • Parental expectations and what they look for in British boarding schools 

Session 8: Building Relationships in China

  • Strategies for networking and building trust.

  • Building partnerships with schools and educational agencies.

  • Offering 1:1 v group lessons 

  • The benefits of having an employee ‘on the ground’

  • Case studies of successful tutoring in China - how Aster Tuition has grown in Beijing and Shanghai

Month 5 - Thrive

Session 9: Focusing on your niche

  • Seasonal v Evergreen campaignsFocusing on your niche and doubling down on itReaching out to experts within your niche and partnering on joint projects

Session 10: Networking and Collaboration

  • Building a professional network globally

  • Curating an email list that works for you 

  • Networking events - what works?

  • Collaboration projects with peers to broaden your offering

Month 6 - Mastery

Session 11: Expanding your business

  • Strategies for scaling your tutoring business.

  • Practical sessions on business expansion.

  • Case studies of successful business growth.

Session 12: Financial Mastery

  • Understanding the drawbacks of hourly rates and the benefits of selling packages: predictability, value, and long-term commitment.

  • Structuring effective tutoring packages

  • Communicating package value to clients.

Aster Academy 16-Month Programme

Nurturing Knowledge, Empowering Growth

Starts 4th September 2024.


SPECIAL BONUS The first 5 people who sign up will pay £3,500 plus get access to some amazing bonuses, including:

  • Flying Start:  An in person day with me  where I give you hands on feedback and support with your business worth £1497

  • Bonus training on how to sell your services and secure a deal worth £399

  • Access to two masterclasses run by leaders in their fields willing to share their knowledge and feedback to support the success of your business worth £500

All the tools and resources you need to


Bring your vision to life

Learn how to grow your tutoring business to work with the international market


Promote what you do

Master the art of selling into different markets and promoting your brand on social media.


Grow a strategic your network

Surround yourself with the right people to enhance the growth of your business.

Start your journey towards realising your dreams!

Personalised impact

Tutors can focus on individual students, tailoring their teaching methods and providing personalised attention, resulting in a more profound and direct impact on students' learning and growth.



As a tutor, you have the freedom to set your own schedule and work on your terms, allowing for a better work-life balance and more time for personal pursuits.



Running a tutoring business presents the chance to build something of your own, tap into entrepreneurial skills, and create a fulfilling career that aligns with your passion for education.

Hear from others who made the leap...


Having worked in a classroom for more than 20 years, including time in headship, I cannot believe the satisfaction I now get from developing relationships and seeing progress in personalised 1:1 lessons with students. It’s so individualistic; I develop confidence and target their specific needs. Over the last 20 years or so, there has been a surge of adults choosing to have life coaches and personal trainers. Individualised learning and teaching maximises potential. I feel that I can continue to get so much pleasure in delivering this new way of easy and accessible learning.


I’ve been working as a private tutor for a number of years, initially on a face-to-face basis in student’s homes, but for the last three years online. Afer a long career in secondary education, this role has helped me retain all the positive aspects of being a teacher, whilst removing the majority of the negative ones. Yes, there is still marking, yes there are still meetings (occasionally), but the vast majority of my time is spent doing what I love - interacting with students and helping them to learn and grow. I can honestly say that no two days are the same and I have developed from a teacher of local children to a teacher of children all over the world, from Australia to the Caribbean.

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